Death To "Web Guy"
HTML / CSS / "The Server"
Any small business owner who's had a website in the last decade still shudders at those words: some dude in a grungy t-shirt, running on his own time, often with suspect personal hygiene and the communication skills of a slug had your online presence by the balls. Hidden behind impenetrable jargon, it cost a fortune, took forever and delivered little.
It's 2014 - it's not like that anymore and if it still is for you - you're losing money. With interfaces so stylish yet simple a child could publish, the only thing stopping you from making your website a living breathing reflection of your business is time and strategy.
Strategy I can help you with but time is something you're going to have to solve yourself. Until you kill Web Guy and his lingering culture, you'll never give your website the priority it now deserves.
Call me on 310 980 2499 or email me and let's talk about how YOU can now grow your business.
Written while listening to: Essay Writing Music - music2work2
Image Credit: Me - Jonathan Kos-Read on Flickr
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