Some Insights into Facebook for Businesses
I just ran an awareness campaign on Facebook for a client and here are the takeaways:
- Things don't get interesting until you get over 1,000 page likes
- Good imagery is everything - people rarely engage with text
- Human beings are nuts and there's no accounting for taste or decorum
- You've got to post at least a couple of times a day to keep the ball rolling
- Having an Ad budget makes a huge difference, even a small one
- It's pretty tough to get email addresses
Having said that - we're now close to 7,000 likes in a couple of months and the whole thing has been a resounding success.
Worth it for your business?
If you've got the time and resource to invest in growing your Facebook business page and then maintaining it - you can have a much deeper and immediate relationship with your customers than you will on any other network.
However - it's really time and money intensive and you'll be building a community inside Facebook's walled garden. My experience is that for smaller businesses it's better to build around your website and grow your email list than it is to feed the Facebook beast. When you've got enough marketing resource to throw a couple of hundred bucks at Facebook a week (in ads and talent) then it becomes viable.
Your experience?
Have you done something interesting with Facebook or seen something that resonated with you? Reply to this email and let me know - I'd be interested to hear other people's experiences. As ever, if you'd like to look into building a campaign for your business, get in touch and we'll have a chat.
Written while listening to: Revising - Music to Write to - Create Flow
Image Credit: Facebook Meh Button - Sam Michel