Filtering by Tag: Spanish

What I learned Last Week re Digital Marketing (mostly)


If you've got a Facebook business page and you're investing a little time in it - i.e. adding images and posting every now and then - spend a little money on it - you'll be amazed at how effective a $5 ad can be to get your message in front of your target audience.

Website Stuff

Still banging the SquareSpace drum but - you don't need an image management tool for Squarespace; it automatically sizes images so you just upload whatever you have.  This is a huge timesaver and makes it easy for your blog posts to look way better.

Email Newsletters

If you have one - don't send it out on a Monday afternoon - ever - people don't like opening email on Monday afternoons.


Images are incredibly powerful and possibly the best form of content you can have.  You should probably use that smart phone and get into the habit of taking pictures - you'll thank yourself later.


I also learned that the Spanish for underpants is la ropa interior!

If you'd like to apply these insights to your business (underpants aside,) contact me: and I'll show you how to get started.

Written while listening to: Drafting - Music to Write to - Create Flow


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