Social Media: What If We've Got It All Wrong?
It’s ridiculously hard to penetrate the *blabbosphere and have people share your stuff - it’s practically become a science!
The idea that a brick and mortar owner can grok and execute on this while still running their business is kinda like telling your kid they can become President - yes it’s possible but is it likely?
What if…
What if you gave up on the holy grail of social media acting as a message amplifier?
What if instead you used social media as predominantly a validation play?
What if you viewed your social channels as dynamic extensions of your website’s about page?
How would that feel?
Do this
Double down on social channels but make damn sure everything you put up there is a fair and true reflection of who you are and what you stand for.
Revisit your website and actively promote the social channels you use. Look at the design of your about page - would a visitor know that you’re hysterically funny on YouTube, that you’re an Instagram genius or that you share interesting and relevant links on Twitter?
Couple of caveats
Yes there are still huge SEO benefits to social and yes, if your business involves the distribution of non geo specific information you’re still going to need amplification.
What I’m suggesting is that for most owners on this list it is unlikely that you’ll have thousands of followers on your social channels - and that’s OK. Your digital footprint exists to help prospective clients and customers, the more dynamic information you can provide, the easier you make it for them to trust you.
* "Blabbosphere" - Courtesy of Lauren Associates
Written while listening to: 191 BPM Playlist by music2work2
Image credit: You are doing it wrong by Duncan Rawlinson on Flickr