Whodunnit? A Social Media Marketing Mystery...
So I client of mine was on Facebook recently and came across an article in her feed that looked intriguing. Clicking out to read, she found it to be well written and informative, just the kind of thing her audience would appreciate. Having shared the article with her followers she clicked through to the author's Twitter bio, scanned her last 10 or so tweets and decided to follow her.
What happened next
Within the hour the author had visited my client's Twitter profile, followed her, clicked through to her website, spent over 7 minutes reading several pages & finally contacted her through an email form on one of her case studies. That contact turned into an email exchange which resulted in the author booking a strategy session.
Did you spot it?
What do you think was the most important element in this whole transaction?
- Was it the great looking website with concise & compelling content?
- Was it the professionally branded digital footprint with consistent appearance and messaging?
- Was it the blog posts, the tweets, the follow...
No. Although they all played their part in converting the lead - the most important behavior in the entire transaction was that my client chose to spend her time reading an article by someone she'd never heard of.
The answer
When it comes to social media marketing, listening and reading is as important, if not more so, than production and distribution.
Written while listening to: Development track: 191 Bpm 31-01-03-02 by music2work2
Image credit: time to read by Chat Noir:) on Flickr