The Whole Social Media Content Strategy Thing
With social media marketing the more you publish the more visible you are. This has rewarded quantity over quality and ultimately made it hard to find the good stuff.
I think we've reached a tipping point.
I think Google's recent deal with Twitter is a good indicator that just as with the maturation of SEO, social will eventually become about quality, not quantity.
What does this mean for you?
It means you've got to double down on quality - and not just in your blog posts but in everything you do online - what you share, what you comment on, what you re-tweet etc.
If that means you're initially less visible because you're more considered in your interactions, I think that's a solid long term strategy.
Written while listening to: 20th First Pass Development by music2work2
Image Credit: face of a boy who has just learned it is time for bed... by Sean Dreilinger on Flickr