Terrible News for Fly By Night Businesses!
“Until and unless you’ve failed for years in a row, and poured in effort again and again, you haven’t truly invested in content.”
Depressing huh?!
Well - not really. How many people on this list are in business for the short term - say the next couple of years and then you're off to something else?
Just me then? ;-p
Most people here run their own business and will be doing so for the next 20 years - some will even pass it on to their kids. The effort you put into content doesn't go away - it is the ultimate long term investment in yourself!
Here's how to win
Take the long term view and don't give up. Adopt content marketing as a core part of your business' operations and learn how to get good at it.
Content is really hard and your situation is unique. No guru can come in and tell you what to do and predict whether it will work or not. You have to do it yourself - it's only when you're deep in the trenches do you develop the necessary chops to recognize what works for your business.
It's the truth
The quote at the top is from a guy called Rand Fishkin, one of the few universally respected people in my world. I read what he produces because over the last ten years he's grown a multi-million dollar operation by being right about digital marketing.
Content is your business' future - if you'd like help getting good at it, email me or call me on 310 980 2499.
Written while listening to: Music to Create Flow Playlist - music2work2
Image Credit: Cubicle worker FAIL. by slworking2 on Flickr