Social Media - is it worth it?
Google does not include social in its search algorithm.
There is a direct correlation between social activity and search rankings
Search engine results are driven by links.
Quick "Link" Definition
A link occurs when people like you and me, (people who have websites and who publish blog posts, hell, let's call ourselves content creators!) publish a blog post that links to another page or blog article.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
If you want the science behind this - read this geeky article by AJ Kohn that I found in one of my social media feeds - look - I'm linking to it here!
And I use this information how?
It's the whole "smarter vs. harder" thing - sure Twitter may be a numbers game but not all numbers are equal - a little bit of strategy can have a huge difference on your bottom line.
If you'd like to make better use of your time email me or call on 310 980 2499 and let's chat.
NB: I'll be off the grid next week hanging with family - back on Monday 28th.
Written while listening to: Fibonacci 144 beats per minute - music2work2
Image Credit: Sharing by Jono Davis on Flickr