No I Won’t Like You on Facebook
I use to grow my Twitter following. I’m running 29 variations on keyword phrases and hashtags to identify the kind of people that would be interested in music2work2.
For example when someone posts a tweet that includes the words “chill piano music,” there is an 18% chance that they will follow me after auto-likes the tweet. That figure jumps to 27.7% if a tweet contains the word "musicmatters."
Not only am I growing at 60 relevant followers a week - I’m identifying the language that people who are interested in my product use. It costs $9 a month.
Guess what I don’t do though?
I don’t create a canned reply that is sent as a direct message to new people that follow me. Here are a few that I’ve received in the last couple of days:
- Hey Andrew McCluskey - thanks for the follow - please like us on Facebook
- Thanks for following can you please check out my first video….
- Thanks for following! I will follow back, please also follow @randomname
- Wow! Nice to meet you! If you get a chance please "like" my page at… send me yours by Direct Message!
- Thank you for the follow!! Check out our Facebook page!! Instagram: DurtyGurlProductions
I know some social media guru out there has said that this is a good idea - that you should be “closing” all the time - but please - at the level that most of you on this list use social media - please don’t use canned responses - not in social media, not in email, not in anything where you’re supposed to be developing a relationship with another human being.
Written while listening to: Music to Create to 2nd Dev. by music2work2
Image credit: dumb ass by Tom Woodward on Flickr