Hashtags in 45 Seconds
Should I use them?
Where do I use them?
On social media: Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Facebook even Google search.
What do they look like?
The pound sign followed by a word or phrase (but no gaps between the words)
Example: #music or #musictoworkto
What do they do?
They act to categorize your post, not just for you and your circles - but for everybody.
What does that mean?
It means if you add a hashtag to your tweet, instagram, G+ post etc, it is more likely to be seen.
How many should I add to each post?
Twitter: No more than two
Instagram: As many as you like (but be careful if you're auto posting from instagram to twitter)
Facebook: Between one and three
Google+: Between one and three
Where should I put them
Add them to the end of your post
Wow, I'm intrigued, where can I read more?
You're kidding right? Just Google it and you'll find the datasets behind the above advice.
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Written while listening to: Fibonacci 144 (unreleased) music2work2
Image Credit: Themes on Anxiety by Michal Maku