A message from the love doctor
When I start consulting with a new client, the first thing we work on is the writing; words are at the heart of your marketing message, no matter how pretty you are, if the text doesn’t resonate, you won’t convert.
Having said that – you could be Mark Twain but if your presentation is poor, you won’t get read.
Yep – we’re still in high school
New customers are just like freshmen, nobody knows each other so decisions are made entirely upon looks. And with so much choice, the decision you need to worry about is not “will they choose me?” it is “will they reject me?”
It is far easier to make the decision to not read something and move on, than it is to spend the time to actually read what is being said.
Don’t be Miss South Carolina
I do feel for Miss Lauren Caitlin Upton – she’s a product of society that values beauty over substance, however, as this clip shows, truth will out. There’s no point in having a beautiful website if you can’t string a sentence together – disappointing a potential customer is worse than having no customer at all.
http://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww (49 seconds)
Beauty & Substance
Yes you need both. The hard part is the substance, the writing, the adding new content to your website every week; everyone on this list understands the need for it, only a few of you are actually doing it.
But almost as important is how you look and how you present yourself. Likewise, there are still a few of you who have yet to take care of the basics.
Calling Dr. Digital Love
If you want to re-boot your writing program or even just start one, or you’re finally ready to complete that makeover, reply to this email and book a session.